Ivi - XP by *amaeli on deviantART
This windows XP Skin is really awesome.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Some trance
I pulled this illicit utube version of Adam Dived's Deep inside from a post somewhere else. Needless to say its a pretty boss track.
Posted by
12:24 PM
Labels: Adam Dived, Deep Trance, Trance
Thursday, November 6, 2008
The BPA feat. Emmy The Great - Seattle
What a wonderful song featuring my fair city. Yes, I jacked this from This.bigstereo.net. But hey it's Seattle!
I love my city right now!
Check out why:
Posted by
3:08 PM
Labels: Barack Obama, Capital Hill, Emmy the Great, Journey, Neighbors, Seattle, The BPA
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
This Kid Bubbles - Bumps
So, like a bat outa hell, I'm back again with another mix. This one I'm calling Bump. I've wanted to put something like this together for a while, but just Haven't had the time or inclination to get the kinks worked out. So, here you go:
This Kid Bubbles - Bumps
1. Masters At work - Work (Chew Fu Remix)
2. Diplo and Buraka som Sistema - Inna De Ghetto (remix)
3. V V Brown - Crying Blood (Hanna Holland Remix)
4. Crookers - Seglia (OH SNAP! Booty Alarm)
5. Fake Blood - Mars vs. Blaqstar (Andy George Mash it up Innit)
6. Frank Sinatra - New York New York (Chew Fu Remix)
7. Jackson Jackson - All Alone (Cutoff Remix)
8. Joachim Garraud - Back from Space (Federico Franchi Remix)
9. Junk Solo- Fist fulla' Bullets
10. Digitalism - I want I want (LAZRTag remix)
11. Edu K - Me Boto Pra Da (STRFCKR remix)
12. Kaiser Chiefs - Never Miss A Beat (Run Hide Survivor Mix)
13. IAMX - Spit it out (Designer Drugs Remix)
14. Adam Tensta - Dopeboy (Neon Blak GT edit)
15. Roy Parker Jr - Ghostbusters (Super Villians Remix)
Posted by
10:48 PM
Labels: DJ Bubbles, House Effected Exclusive, Mix Sets, This Kid Bubbles
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
This Kid Bubbles - Rekons
Hey, kids! It's your friendly neighborhood DJ here. Check out this latest mix. Its got a great house feel, and loads of awesome tracks. What could be better then that?
Get This Kid Bubbles - Reckons
Track List
1. Hey Champ - Cold Dust Girl
2. Kanye West - Love Lockdown
3. Little Boots Vs. Optomus - Stuck on Repeat v. It's a Fine Day (Richard X Blend)
4. Theives Like Us - Drung in my Body (The Bang Gang Deejays remix)
5. Mariah Carey - I'll Be Lovin' U a Long Time (Designer Drugs Remix)
6. MGMT - Electric Feel (True Pseudo Remix)
7. Mansion - Of Montreal
8. The Presets - Talk Like That (CFCF Remix)
9. Day N Nite (Jori Hulkkonen Remix)
10. Radio Head - Reckoner (Rune Rk Remadoodle)
That's right, its stable hosted no more Zshare, or Megaupload for me.
Posted by
6:34 PM
Frank Music - 3 little words
DISCODUST has the MP3 of a remix by Boys Noize. DISCODUST ROCKS.
Just so you know.
Posted by
4:10 PM
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Everything is Borrowed Review - The Streets Latest Work is Solid
Everything is Borrowed represents the latest from the streets. After exploding internationally with the concept album A Grand Don’t Come For Free, and then seeming to implode with Michael Skinner’s narcissistic ballad ridden follow up, The Hardest Way to Make an Easy Living. Everything is Borrowed has been described as “a peaceful coming to terms album,” while the album feels more open and friendly then either Original Pirate Material or The Hardest Way to Make an Easy Living, it lacks the intimacy of A Grand Don’t Come For Free. This album is perhaps better if its not viewed as a rap album, but as a spoken word album with rap undertones. The tracks on this record are in some cases achingly beautiful, and the vision that Skinner provides in his work is almost like British version of Kerouac or Ginsberg. Both poets and writers who expressed the rebel sentiments of an intellectual underclass that existed in the United States in the 1950's.
I thought the album highlights would be hard to find when I popped the the album in, but they definitely stand out. The track that kicks off the album sounds has a beat that sounds like a combination of the traditional Streets track, and Kanye West. “Everything is Borrowed” has a philosophical feel and poetic push to it. Its musical structure almost functions as a pop song versus a rap song. Its poetic theme breaks away from the beat scheme at times and tends to wander a bit. Scattered nature of the lyrics, and the amount of singing in the track aside, the poetry of the track is poignant, and beautiful.
“The Escapists,” who’s trip hop influenced beat strides along sides Skinners most epic and personal rhymes on the album. The combination is arguably one of his best songs. While its sounds seem almost infinite, the song never gets away from Skinner who uses it to bring his latest work to a faithful close.
“Alleged Legends,” is an extremely political ballad situated in England’s post 7/7 climate. More over it can be seen an over arching struggle in Europe, which the philosopher Solvaj Zizek writes about in his book Violence, between Progressive Multi-Cultural and nationalism/Islamic Fundamentalism. While the song is highly critical of Islam it never pushes to a direct attack, instead its merely a critique radical fundamentalism, and a plea for coexistence. In some respects it serves to both raise awareness, and serves to deconstruct an us/them diode which can often exists when exploring, and discussing the problems of assimilation, and multiculturalism, in North/south encounters. If that’s too much, not clear, or over your head, All you need to know is that the track has a bouncy beat, a dope Middle Eastern sample, and tight highly political rhymes. This track is good art.
The final track from the album I loved was a ballad of hopefulness and aborted suicide attempts, “On the Edge of a Cliff.” The beats on the tack are extremely jazzy, but rather then falling into a tried (and sometimes true) format, they are rearranged expertly. The result is a solid hip-hope beat, with a powerful force to it, never being aggressive but always pulling emotionally. This pull when combined with the contents of the lyrics, make this song by far the most positive track on the album. It should also be the hold music on any of those suicide prevention lines.
I was pleasantly surprised with this album, on one hand it failed to live up to the high bar set by A Grand. But A Grand is a once in a lifetime album for all but the most gifted and prolific artists. Everything is Borrowed however, cements in my mind, the Streets as an outfit cable of more then just the occasional witty and odd single. Mike Skinner is a poet, and by extension a craftsmen and rap is his workbench, even if it’s just borrowed. I have to say this album has me looking forward to the fifth and final streets offering, which according to Internet buzz will be a return to the darkness and dance floor beats that pushed The Streets into pop consciousness.
Watch Mike's Guide to the album
Posted by
9:56 PM
Labels: Album Review, Everything is Borrowed, The Streets
The Streets - Everything is Borrowed
Just picked up the new Streets album. It's from my first listen it's ok. Not as good as the first two, not as bad as the last one. I'll have a more detailed and finalized review up later. This one for sure, its not as difficult of an album as the Hercules and Love Affair joint.
Posted by
8:31 PM
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
That's right this is a repost of some of the mixes I've posted hear in the past.
I've recently acquired stable web space, and so I don't have to worry too much about the files getting dropped, trashed or corrupted. It also means that if you have content you want to get host, you should shoot me an email, and well see about working something out.
This is one of my most recent mixes in which I tried to go hard in sort of a DP style.
get: DJ Bubbles harder
Harder Track List
The Dirty Secrets - 5 Feet of Snow (Miami Horror Remix
jape - I was a man (phones Remix)
Party Shank - Penis vs. Vagina (Shanks Killer Mix)
The Wombats - Back Fire at the disco (South Central Remix)
Turbo Weekend - Just to Get down with you (Eater and Le-T-Coupage mix)
Diplo - Dip Hop
Fagget Faries - Samo Ti (AC SLATER RMX)
Donovan - Yo
Hot Pink Dalorian Feat. Fantastidon - Played Out
Fantastidon - Can't help it
Trash your self and the Toxic Avenger - Song 2
Check out the OG post (link to mix in the post is broken).
HOUSECORE VOL. 1 was a little mix I did when I first started the blog. It was one of my first vinyless mixes. It was really rough, but I loved it a lot (I still do), so i re-did it as HOUSEQUAKE Vol. 1. Both mixes have essentially the same play list. Housequake hasn't been posted here before. So your getting a bonus treat.
Housecore vol. 1
Housequake vol. 1
Track list
1. Axwell and Sebastion - it's true
2. Fuck Yeah
3. Blood Beat Roots - She's a maniac
4. Whitney Huston - I am every women
6. ODB- Got you money (Gingy Remix)
7. Vandalism - Uh-oh
8. Justice - The party (la riot remix)
9. Space Cowboy - Running Away (mstrkrft Remix)
10. Razorlight -Can't stop (tong spoon pure pacha mix)
11. Arman Van Helden - I want your soul (Tommy Trash Remix)
12. Mojo -Chillin (Buffalo Bunch Remix)
13. Arman Van helden - I want your soul (fake blood remix)
14. Rich boy - Throw some d's (ESTAW fix mix)
This Kid Bubbles - Believe(S) in the power of voodoo is the most recent mix I've made. Its admittedly a scatter shot mix stylistically. I still like it though,its got some dope tracks especially the last bits.
Track list.
1. Kelly Polar - Magic Dance
2. Cryptonites - Can't Give you up (kill the noise remix)
3. Ma$e - Feels So good (MOM_DAD RMX)
4. Kriss Kross - Jump (Dave Dirt Remix)
5. TLC - Creep (Norrit Remix)
6. Busta feat. Lincoln Park - We made it (chew Fu Remix)
7. Cold Play - Violet Hill (Cryptonites Remix)
8. Protokoll - Moving Forward (Designer Drugs)
9. Symbol One - Love Juice (Moulinex Remix)
10. Les Rhymes Digital - Sometimes (computer Club extended rmx)
11. ????
Let me know what you think
Get This Kid Bubbles - Believe(s) in Voodoo.
(Note: This post will be updating as I upload the other mixes, so keep it locked)
Posted by
11:28 AM
Chromeo - Needy Girl
As I keep listening to the Chromeo record, my love for it grows. On the other hand, the Black Kids, Party Traumatic has begun to great my nerves. Both albums hark back to the sounds of the 1980's and both are unique variations on similar foundations and themes. I guess what makes Fancy Footwork work better is the smoothness with which the songs are written and recorded. The Black kids for whatever reason have almost a low-fi tinge to them, and this garage feeling takes their work down a notch for all it ads in authenticity. So while Fancy Footwork is most definitely a buy, I would at least give Party Traumatic a spin before spending hard earned money on it. To be fair the black kids are miles above most pop/rock these days.
Check out the main single off their album, "I'm not going to your boyfriend to dance"
Posted by
12:40 AM
Friday, October 3, 2008
Michael Hussein Gregory - Running from your Shadow
OK, this is genius.
I guess its called Running From Your Shadow. Its available for free from his myspace page While his VP debate is no where near as good, the kid definitely has talent in spades
Posted by
8:29 PM
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Hercules and Love Affiar
I just picked up the album today. I'll let you know how it is. Needless to say, I am loving it.
Posted by
8:58 PM
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The Obamix - Via Analog Giant.
Analog Giant has a great funk mix up right now, called the Obamix by King Most. I haven't finished listening too it yet, but it's really really good. Like Really good. It opens with this great funk classic, and some killer turntablism. I think this is definitely a mix worth downloading.
Check it out!
King Most - Obamix
Via - Z share
Posted by
9:51 PM
Labels: Analog Giant, Barak Obama, blogs, King Most, politics mix
Monday, September 22, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Mr. Z - Hypnotize
Just thought, I'd post something a bit different. Its actually pretty terrible. But it's dancible and the music video is a study in cliche.
But I don't know. Try and enjoy it anyway.
Posted by
3:00 PM
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Love is a mix tape
I just started reading Love is a Mix Tape: Life, Love and Loss, One Song at a Time by Rob Sheffield. The first chapter was one of the most beautiful things I've ever read. It resonated with the clear ring of epiphany's bell. My life can not be the same afterwards.
I remember my roommate making mix tapes back in college, he'd spend hours on them. I never had that sort of patience I just kinda slapped songs on a CD, and let them roll. That was good enough for me. Now, as I get older, I spend more time on my mix tapes. listening to the songs closely wondering what sort of impression will each one make. Is the order right? Is the impact right? Am I making something beautiful, or cheesy?
The mix tape is a fine art. Its definitely worth mastering.
Posted by
4:28 PM
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
This one's got mad kick - Galactik Knights
Feel that kick! Pump it up and wake your neighbor's baby!
Posted by
12:45 PM
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
It's Chrome-o-o-o-o-o
Chromeo, and assorted remixes have been floating around the blogosphere for almost two years now. I saw their extremely reasonably priced double disc Fancy Footwork (Fancier Footwork edition) and immediately picked it up. The CD did not disappoint. While Chromeo has become almost brotronica, the CD its self is written more from a nerd's perspective, while the relationships and gallivanting are focuses of many of the songs, lines in them, and the other songs couch Chromeo as real, rather then just a bunch of Canadians trying to be prince. The reality and self doubt combined with the humor in their songs, leads me to believe that their are great things in store for Chromeo.
The Fancy Footwork album kicks off with a bang, in the build of of an introduction track that creates tension which is then immediately sliced with their blow out hit "Tenderoni". The second discs contains three aditional tracks, and a variety of remixes, including MSTRKRFT remix of "Tenderoni" which blew the blogs wide open. The second disc also contains remixes by the likes of the Crookers, and DFA.
Chromeo has created a music experience that will have you busting out the fancy footwork. If you're a nerd like me you'll find reflections of the album in your own life. Call me up, Girl. This album most definitely needs your attention, like a Needy Girl.
Posted by
11:55 AM
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008
I was a cub Scout - Pink Squares
I found this video last night while looking for something else. It's super charming. If I wasn't off to see pinapple express I would totaly go pick up the album tomorrow. Keep checking back, I should have a review of the new atmosphere album soon.
Posted by
7:33 AM
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Vampire Weekend
I've taken to buying CD's of late. One of my most recent purchases was Vampire Weekend's self titled cd. While I can't stop listening to the CD, its mostly because the album is scientifically engineered to seep into the brains of people like me. The album its self is a bit of a waste of money. While the singles and 1 or 2 other songs are extremely catchy the song writing is lack luster and at points songs seemed strapped together.
My first doubts about the album arose at the second song in the album,"Oxford Comma." In which the Columbia graduates bitch about how people who graduated from Oxford are pretentious assholes. Aside from this unintended irony. Other songs on the album fail to stand up. As I listened more closely I found that even songs that I really enjoyed, like "A-Punk" (pretty much the song of the summer if you asked me), had the same shoddy craftsmanship and air of pretension around them. If you listen to the the song you realize that the mix of A-Punk has the guitar line at the same level as the lead vocals, and if you listen closer you can hear the reason why. The singer can't quite maintain quality in the range in which he is singing. I really like pretentious music with insider references, but despite that this album was hard to relate to for a west coast state college grad like myself.
That said the album does have its high points. Both "A-punk" and "Mansford Roof" are extremely original, and very catchy. The albums love ballads such that they are have great turns of phrase even if in the end the short sighted construction can do them. Both "Bryn" and "Campus" are pretty cool songs, even if "Campus" leaves me feeling lost by the end, Bryn has my favorite line in the album. Despite its flaws the album is a load better then most of the stuff that's being put out right now.
The Guys over at sound opinion's on NPR have a buy, it burn it, trash it scale. Vampire weekend despite the hype, is a burn it.
Posted by
10:30 PM
Labels: Album Review, Music Video, Vampire Weekend
Monday, August 11, 2008
This Kid Bubbles Believes in Voodoo
New mix folks. I've altered my handle a tad. I like making sentences and eliminating redundancy. So there we go. I give you This Kid Bubbles.
So, new mix. I set out to make something super bangin' and raw, but trashed it and wound up with something that's more ecletic. I hope y'all enjoy.
This Kid bubbles - Believe(s) in Voodoo [Via Megaupload]
1. Kelly Polar - Magic Dance
2. Cryptonites - Can't Give you up (kill the noise remix)
3. Ma$e - Feels So good (MOM_DAD RMX)
4. Kriss Kross - Jump (Dave Dirt Remix)
5. TLC - Creep (Norrit Remix)
6. Busta feat. Lincoln Park - We made it (chew Fu Remix)
7. Cold Play - Violet Hill (Cryptonites Remix)
8. Protokoll - Moving Forward (Designer Drugs)
9. Symbol One - Love Juice (Moulinex Remix)
10. Les Rhymes Digital - Sometimes (computer Club extended rmx)
11. ????
Let me know what you think
Posted by
10:08 AM
Labels: Busta, Cryptonites, DJ Bubbles, Kelly Polar, Ma$e, The House Effect Mix, This Kid Bubbles
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
O.k. So there is this japenese tech group called Capsule.
I submit this for your aproval.
Capsule - Starry Sky
And a mash up which is pretty awesome...
Capsule vs. Daft Punk vs. the Beasty Boys - Starry Sky (Yeah! Mashup)
Posted by
12:37 AM
Friday, June 20, 2008
Please take immediate action!
Hi, this is the one and only one time I will put a non-music related political post up on this blog.
The House has recently passed a FISA bill which will grant retroactive immunity to telecommunication companies who illegally spied on American Citizens. I feel extremely strongly that the people should have the recourse of the courts, and what those courts decide should stand. This bill strips that away. Even though the House of Representatives has passed it, it still has to go to the Senate. Only 41 senators have to oppose the bill to filibuster it (or prevent its passage). NOW is a critical time for our nation as the Senate is set to consider the bill next week.
We can make a difference, public outrage over the bill has prevented its passage in the past. If are an American citizen or live in the United States, please contact your Senators and let them know this matters to you.
There is more then enough time to rally support. The bill passed the house, but there is still a weekend before the Senate takes it up. The good news is in the senate you only need 41 senators to block a bill, so we can all make a difference. It's really simple to get in touch with your two senators, and make an impact.
That link will bring you to a page, which will let you contact your senators. It's as easy as posting a comment on a blog. All you have to do is click on your state, and at the bottom of your senators information is a send a comment link. Its super easy. your message doesn't have to be long just let them know that you oppose the bill and that you will appreciate their support of any measure to block its passage.
If you're not a citizen or a resident, there isn't a lot you can do. There are several organizations on the web which are working to popularize this issue. Please search them out and show them your love. I'm thinking of the political wing of the blogosphere, websites like Dailykos, and Huffington post.
Thank you for your indulgence.
Now let's get this over with so we can get back to the music.
Get Franky Knuckles Promo Mix (2000) (via DHP.org) - Real player required.
Posted by
11:07 AM
Labels: Politics of Dancing
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Cof Cof - Spanish Fusion
My apologies for the delay in posting. I've had it written for weeks, but I've been busy with a variety of other tasks. However, with those issues being resolved I am proud to bring you Cof Cof.
Cof Cof is the Spanish duo of ANA ANALÓGICA(Guitar, Bass, Lead Vocals), and ÁLEX CUADRADO (Knob Twister, Drum Robots, and Backup Vocals). Their sound is a dystopic union of Vampire Weekend and Bonde Do Role. From that tension comes an amazing fusion of modern Indy rock, and 8-bit party music. Each song has a distinct combination of stylistic elements that nestle up besides each other, like a tile mosaic made from divergent pieces of marble. The results are captivating, unique, and groovable.
Check out:
Cof Cof - Dirty Tricks (via Zshare)-
In this song the forces that shape Cof Cof combine into a fascinating song about dysfunctional love. The robotic forces form a background that is electro ala Goldfrapp, while the guitar forces strum in with a wicked guitar lick that hooks your soul immediately.
Cof Cof - Caribbean boy (via Zshare)-
In this song the Guitar takes center stage, forming a light airy hook along which the rest of the piece progresses. An added Xylophone and Clap line makes this song great for any summer party and/or barbeque.
You can get the entire EP Who Said Party? here. My favorite track off the album is Forbidden Cocktail.
Posted by
2:29 PM
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Dance music in the oddest places.
You find the oddest music popping up sometimes when you watch TV. The video above is the Kitty Halftime show from the 2007 Puppy Bowl from Animal Planet (a cable TV channel). It has this crazy disco music in the back ground (although it soon goes from that sounds maybe cool, to lame). I can't help it sharing it.
I am hooked on cuteness now, and must spread the misery. I'm like a crack addict. I can't help going back for more, and collecting shinny objects.
Also check this out! It has a weird Italio soundtrack, and a bunny running around a Golden Lab.
Posted by
12:35 AM
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
More Non-EDM Music
A friend of mine changed her profile music the other day on her myspace page. I of course, being the mystalker that I am, clicked to hear the new piece. Rasputina was the music of my speakers. Rasputina is pretty cool (and hot). They're a cello rock group out of New York, New York. Listening to them reminded me of one of the best concerts I have ever been to, Apocolyptica. They have an amazing new album out that takes them to the next level by adding drums, vocals, and altering their style a bit more for a main stream audiance. The concert was really sweet. It's pretty awesome to see people moshing to Hall of the Mountain King. It was the most packed I had ever seen that venue. They added a drummer into the mix, which gave their music an added punch, and they had a really great European sense of humor.
I was going to post an apocolyptica video down at the bottom of the post, but the embed feature has been disabled. Check out the apocolyptica video channel over at youtube, they have 'em all up there.
Posted by
1:34 PM
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
House Music United - Yes We Can (Origional Mix)
To be fair, I jacked this off a post on the ishboard. Anyway, I was listening to it, and it's really pretty good. I am a huge Obama Fan, but am generally skeptical of OBAMARAMAMANIA. I was presently surprised after listening to the this track though. Its really well done. I would describe it as very classic deephouse remix of the Yes we can speech. Very apropriate given the fact that Obama lives in Chicago. Sit back, enjoy, and be inspired.
Posted by
10:57 AM
Labels: Barak Obama, Yes we can
Friday, May 9, 2008
Seattles Best Wednesday Night - Studio!
There is a night where the dead prowl the dance floor. Rising from their graves to haunt the living with their horrific visages.
The place is Club Havana, a regal bar in Seattle's Capital Hill neighborhood. With its demure feel Club Havana is a perfect place for the evenings Dr. Frankenstein to perform experiments from his perch above the dance floor. TJ Gorton with his Igor, DJ HMA in tow, cobbles together the night with spare parts and found gems. Their morbid explorations sound forth into the streets of Capital Hill and bring out the faithful.
As the night progressed and the liquor flowed, an assortment of hipsters, drunks, revivalists, and passers by gathered under Havana's vaulted ceilings. While the crew was motley, the floor bumped like it was 1978. For those moments we worshipped the beat, the melody, and the witch doctors who brought it all together. Merrily, we danced, oblivious to the crack in time that we had fallen through and become lost in. We, for an instant, enjoyed the hedonism of living in the moment.
You don't need a flux capacitor to enjoy Studio, just $3 (for now). Doors are at 9 typically. The whole ghoulish language was a metaphor for the awesomeness that happens there every wednesday. The people there are really very nice and classy, and the bartenders are great. I'll be headed there next week, and you should too.
Oh, and check out TJ's great blog monster American Athlete.
Much love,
DJ Bubbles
Posted by
1:17 AM
DJ Bubbles - Better/Harder pt. 2 - Harder
When I came up with the concept for Better/Harder, the idea was to make two mixes reflective of the first two words in the Daft Punk song BETTER, HARDER, FASTER, STRONGER. One mix that was funky fresh, and another mix that was a killer hard romp on the dance floor. Where Better failed, Harder delivers. I can honestly say, I am superduper proud of Harder. So, I invite you to download and enjoy. Get DJ BUBBLES - Harder Via Megaupload (link down)
Harder Track List
The Dirty Secrets - 5 Feet of Snow (Miami Horror Remix
jape - I was a man (phones Remix)
Party Shank - Penis vs. Vagina (Shanks Killer Mix)
The Wombats - Back Fire at the disco (South Central Remix
Turbo Weekend - Just to Get down with you (Eater and Le-T-Coupage mix)
Diplo - Dip Hop
Fagget Faries - Samo Ti (AC SLATER RMX
Donovan - Yo
Hot Pink Dalorian Feat. Fantastidon - Played Out
Fantastidon - Can't help it
Trash your self and the Toxic Avenger - Song 2
Posted by
12:50 AM
Labels: Blog House, DJ Bubbles, Floor Killers, House Music, Mix Sets
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Better/Harder: Part 1
I finished the first part of a mix series I am calling Better/Harder. I should have Harder finished up tomorrow, once I get back from work. Better was an attempt to resurrect French House. Unfortunately, its like a cream filled Danish, where French House is the filling, but there is normal House on the outside too. Maybe its more like a Quiche? Which, is also super awesome, but not what I was ultimately hoping for.
It starts out with a song from Oh! Snap! which is sorta my theme song. Definitely stick around for the second track. Boy Girl Surrender is gonna be the first floor killer of the summer, its up on Discodust right now. Moulinex's song Leisure Suit is probably my favorite on the mix, but he's not consistent in bringing that level of funk. I guess La Roche is bringing back some of the sweet French style right now with his stuff. Kid's only 17. To sum up what I am trying to say, there is loads of good stuff on this mix, so enjoy!
Oh yeah, shout out to Hamburg!
Get DJ BUBBLES - Better (46:07, 84.4 MB) Via Megaupload.
Better Track List
1. Oh Snap! - I'm to fat to be a hipster
2. Pony Pony Run Run - Boy Girl Surrender (Summer Edit)
3. Mondo - Alive (PH Electro Mix)
4. Hot Pink Delorian - Miami Snatch
5. Moulinex - Break Chops
6. Mercuriust - When you Go Out (FM Disco Love mix)
7. Moulinex - Leisure Suit
8. Louis La Roche - Love
9. Louis La Roche - Do you Remember
10. Gonzales - Working Together (Boyz Noize Vox Mix)
11. Sinusmo - Lizi
12. T2 feat. Jodie Aysha -Heart Broken (WAWA mix)
Posted by
12:00 AM
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Filter Freq!
Fliter Freq is one of the better producers that you've never heard of. He's only done a few high profile remixes, so he's still under a lot of people's radar. His production work is solid though and givin' some more time and exposure I think he'll be at the top of the game. He's probably one of the few people doing what it is that he does, which is produce house music that's striaght outta the chi-town school with a classic twist. It's all about that Chicago House.
Below I've posted a video.
Fliter Freq is keeping house alive, check out Knotrast Records for more info.
Posted by
4:07 PM
Labels: Chicago House, Fliter Freq
Monday, May 5, 2008
I don't care, I love this stuff anyway.
This post is very un-house related. Its not even about EDM, its about another sort of dance music, post-punk/folk dance rock. That's right, stuff like Devotchka, and Gogol Bordello. Specifically, I can't get this track from Jason Webley out of my head. I've seen Webley play live before, and it is a show. I've posted a video below of one of his performances.
Webley's performances are really off the hook.It's like Captain Jack Sparrow, backed by some of the people I went to school with at Fairhaven(some of them might actually be part of his band when he plays with one). He goes out of his way to get the audience as involved as possible. That sort of art doesn't happen all that often. Artist enjoy a comfortable anonymity within a consumer model of artist/audience relations but Webley goes the extra-mile in his shows.
I really got into some of the gypsy jazz that was popularized in the wake of the big band/ska revival in the mid 90's. There's even a great band I won't write about here other then a name drop called Bar Tabac that you should all check out. This stuff feels different though. Instead of a revival it feels like Django Reinhardt got in a fight with Junior Senior. I think that's more entertaining then anything WWE can come up with. As a added bonus, most of the performers are legendary. Gogol Bordello has a reputation similar to Iggy Pop and/or the stooges at their height.
This cover of Venus in Furs by Devotchka has a great almost break beat feel to it.
Of course the masters of this type of music is Gogol Bordello. Um... they rock.
I'll leave you with the word's of David Bowie.
"Let's Dance."
Posted by
12:00 AM
Labels: Devotchka, Gogol Bordello, Jason Webley, Not House Music
Monday, April 28, 2008
Tito-Tito - Radical Fresh Thoughts
I've already written about Tito-Tito, and what a talented musician/producer he is. You can re-read those posts, here, here, and here. Today he's hooked us up with a new house track.
Tito was tellin' me about his recent attendance at a folk festival , and it led to discussion of his newest jungle track . I found this on his myspace page looking at his tracks. When I first heard it I just about crapped in my pants. While my pant's thankfully remained clean, I did get out of my chair and do the running man a bit. Radical Fresh Thoughts isn't typical fair for Tito, but he pulls off House style phenomenally well.
Tito's Jungle leanings are evident in the tracks slight tinging of speed garage, and the stripped down melody lines. While keeping it spare and dirty, Tito remains faithful to House's dancibility. That makes his track right at home with some of the more industrial influenced tech stuff coming out of corners of Europe these days. If you're into the darker more spare house music Radical Fresh Thoughts is for you.
Get Radical Fresh Thoughts (Via MEGAUPLOAD)
Posted by
2:05 PM
Labels: Free Download, House Music, Megaupload, Tech House, Techno, Tito Tito
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Back in my day we had flat beats
I really wanted to post this video. Mr. Oizo is still around producing tech-break things today, but this was one of the first songs that got me into electronic music.
Long befor I knew what a DJ really did, or the theory and structure of most electronic songs, videos like this inspired me to tap my feat. Later when I went to college music like Flat Beat inspired me to seek out DJ's and learn from them. It was video's like the one post above, and the video for Around the World that got me to buy the albums, find the radio stations, and yes, illegally download the music.
Below I have posted two one more Mr. Oizo video's. Check them it out, and keep it locked. I know I keep promising new mixes. I will get them/it up eventually.
Much love,
Posted by
11:59 PM
Sunday, March 30, 2008
MC Flipside, Joey Seminara & Danny Nagels - Just The Tip
This is the cheesiest video ever. The song is so banging I had to put it up anyway. These guys are always sending me Facebook stuff, and this came to me this weekend. Its pretty bangin'. But it hasn't been edited down for mass consumption so you can see the entire thing before you head over to Beatport.
Check out the Hatiras RMX
Posted by
11:18 AM
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Galactic Nights
I haven't had a chance to really listen to this song yet, but the video looks awesome and the songs got a wicked hook. To check out Galactic Nights rippin' it up; turn up your speakers, and rock out.
That mix I promised is forth coming.
So after giving this track an extended listen, I can say 100% its awesome. Which, Seems a bit weak when I think about it, but the emotions stirred up in my soul by this song are a bit hard to express within the limited bounds of the English language. So limited, I resort to awesome.
Awesome is a great word for this track because it leaves me filled with awe. The fan video is pretty sweet too. I like the anime style. I'm not familiar with what anime it is exactly. If any one could let me know that would be sweet, 'cause I'd like to add it to my netflix cue.
Posted by
11:38 PM
Monday, March 3, 2008
Back From the Dead With Ghosthustler
So, I took a bit of break to deal with some things like; work, grad school applications and World of Warcraft. But now that those things have been dealt with I am back to blogging.
Check out that Ghosthustlter video. Its mad fly! I found out about these guys over at Discodust, which is probably my favorite Electro blog right now. Its got snazzy writing, and well... Pretty much just rocks face.
The other day I also got caught up with an equally amazing blog, that is impossible to pigeonhole, 20 Jazz Funk Greats. Its important when popping over there to read the posts in addition to jacking the MP3s because the writing is crazy amazing. As in it is crazy, and amazing. I would excerpt some stuff but i don't want those fellows coming after me. Something tells me lost of cutting would be involved, and I am to fat to be a hipster.
I am going to try and get a mix up this week, as well as persue some contacts I made while I was galavanting around. So, keep it locked... or whatever the internet appropriate phraze is.
Posted by
1:57 PM
Monday, January 21, 2008
MGMT - Electric Feel
I was watching MTV2 because there wasn't anything else better to do. To my surprise they actually had videos on, and good ones at that. This video followed up Someone Great by LCD Soundsystem. This video is really low-fi and really cool. The song sounds like disco, electro, progressive rock, and post punk, all mixed together in some sort of magic voodoo pot of sonic might. To my surprize it actually comes together and works great. Take a listen and fall in love with MGMT.
Posted by
2:16 AM
Monday, January 7, 2008
RJD2 - Work it out
RJD2= Amazing producer
This video = Amazing video
Why? Skateboard theft but a man on crutches.
Posted by
12:30 PM
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Revolte- Weak Generation
This video will rock your face. Afterwords you will thank it. Ich Liebe Revolte!
Posted by
8:37 PM
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
The Shape Shifters - New Day
I was milling around Blogspot, looking at other blogs that focus on House music. There are a few good ones. One of the blogs I was reading I came across this music video. Its so MoS. I love the Shapeshifters which is why I am posting it. The video's not great like I said before, but hey its disco house, and we need more of that in this world.
It's a new year, and new day. Lets get a good start in 2008.
Posted by
3:02 PM